General Info’s On Psilocybin Mushrooms

ways to grow mushroom from it growkits

What are magic mushrooms?

Psilocybin, sometimes known as magic mushrooms, is a naturally occurring substance that people eat for its hallucinatory effects.They are psychedelic substances, which means they can alter a person’s thoughts, sense of time, and emotions. They can also influence all the senses. A person may experience hallucinations while using psychedelics, seeing or hearing distorted or unreal objects. General Info’s On Psilocybin Mushrooms are important especially for beginners .

Psilocybin, a main component of magic mushrooms, is used. The molecule with psychedelic effects, psilocin, is created when psilocybin is consumed by the body.

What do magic mushrooms look like?

The appearance of magic mushrooms is similar to regular ones.

Magic mushrooms come in a wide variety of varieties. The terms “golden tops,” “blue meanies,” and “liberty caps” are used most frequently in Australia.3 Poisonous mushrooms that can make a person very ill or perhaps kill them resemble magic mushrooms in appearance.

They could also arrive as dried substance in pill form. Synthetic psilocybin is a white, crystalline powder that can be made into pills, capsules, or aqueous solutions.4

How are magic mushrooms taken?

Fresh, cooked, or tea-brewed magic mushrooms are all edible. When combined with tobacco or cannabis, the dried form is occasionally smoked.

Effects of magic mushrooms

There is no safe level of drug use. Use of any drug always carries some risk. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.

Magic mushrooms can affect everyone differently, based on:

  • size, weight and health
  • whether the person is used to taking it
  • whether other drugs are taken around the same time
  • the amount taken
  • the strength of the mushroom (varies depending on the type of mushroom)
  • the environment (where the drug is taken)

When consumed, magic mushrooms often start to take action in 30 minutes, or in 5–10 minutes if taken as a soup or tea, and they can persist for up to 6 hours.3

The person may go through the following at this time:

  • euphoria and wellbeing
  • change in consciousness, mood, thought and perception (commonly called a trip)
  • dilation of pupils
  • perceptual changes, such as visual and auditory hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there, or are distorted)
  • stomach discomfort and nausea
  • headaches
  • fast or irregular heartbeat
  • increased body temperature
  • breathing quickly
  • vomiting
  • facial flushes, sweating and chills.1,3


There are very few life-threatening side effects from using magic mushrooms. A person may experience the following if they consume a lot or a potent batch of mushrooms:

  • agitation
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • muscle weakness
  • panic or paranoia
  • psychosis
  • seizures
  • coma. 4,5

Bad trips

Sometimes a person may experience the negative effects of magic mushrooms and have a ‘bad trip’.

A bad trip might include:

  • unpleasant or intense hallucinations
  • anxiety
  • paranoia
  • panic or fear.5,4

Coming down

After taking magic mushrooms, delayed headaches can happen. These usually don’t last longer than a day.5

A person who has taken mushrooms may experience feelings of:

  • exhaustion
  • depression
  • anxiety. 3

Flashbacks regarding a prior magic mushroom encounter can happen to some persons who routinely consume magic mushrooms. The majority of the time, they are emotional or perception-related visual distortions.

Even years after the last time the drug was taken, flashbacks can still occur. This might be unsettling, especially if a gruesome event or delusion is remembered.The use of other substances, stress, exhaustion, or exercise can all trigger flashbacks, which typically last for a minute or two.3,

Impact of mood and environment

Psychoactive medications can also have varied affects on a person depending on their mood (commonly referred to as their “set”) or the place they are in (often referred to as their “setting”).

A person’s mental state, prior use of psychedelic drugs, and anticipated outcomes are all considered to be parts of their set. For instance, having a horrible trip before using magic mushrooms could be caused by tension or anxiety.6

Setting refers to the surroundings in which a person uses psychedelic drugs, including whether those surroundings are well-known and comfortable, who they are with, where they are, whether they are indoors or outside, and the music and lighting that are there. Using magic mushrooms, for instance, in a calm, peaceful, and relaxed setting can result in or contribute to a pleasurable experience, but doing it in a busy, noisy atmosphere won’t.

Using magic mushrooms with other drugs

Magic mushroom use can have unpredictable and hazardous effects when combined with other drugs, including over-the-counter or prescription medicines.

A horrible trip and fear may result from mixing magic mushrooms with ice, speed, or ecstasy.7

A relapse or worsening of the illness may occur if you take magic mushrooms along with some psychiatric drugs, therefore you shouldn’t.

How to Grow Mushrooms at Home in an Indoor Compost Bin

There is no need to be in the dark regarding mushroom cultivation. These delectable food chameleons are incredibly nutritious and fat-free, with little calories and a wealth of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Even your mental health can benefit from them. The two most important factors in successfully growing mushrooms at home are creating the ideal environment for growth and obtaining the mushroom spawn needed for mushroom propagation. To cultivate oyster mushrooms, portobellos, shiitakes, and other varieties, follow these detailed instructions.

close up of mushroom plant growing

How Do Mushrooms Grow?

Mushrooms grow from spores, which are microscopic spores that are invisible to the unaided eye. Mushrooms can be grown inside without soil because they can also grow in the wild on other materials like wood. As a substitute, they will develop on materials like sawdust, grain, straw, or wood chips. Spawning is a mixture of spores and several food sources. Mushroom spawn functions somewhat similarly to the starter used to produce sourdough bread.

The mycelium, or small, white, threadlike bodies of mushrooms, grows on the spawn. Before anything that resembles a mushroom breaks through the dirt, the mycelium grows.

Even though the spawn itself has the potential to produce mushrooms, using it in a growing media will yield much better results. Depending on the species of mushroom, this may consist of wood chips, cardboard, straw, corncobs, logs, or compost made from a combination of these items.

Where to Grow Mushrooms

The ideal growing conditions for mushrooms are dim, chilly, and moist. A location like your basement is great for home mushroom cultivation, while a spot under the sink can also be suitable.

Check the temperature in your chosen location before you begin to grow. The majority of mushrooms thrive in environments with temperatures between 55°F and 60°F that are free of direct heat and drafts.In cooler climates, around 45°F, enoki mushrooms grow best. It’s best to grow mushrooms in the winter because many basements get too hot in the summer for the plants to thrive.

Although some light is tolerated by mushrooms, the location you choose should remain primarily in the dark or with little light. Put your mushrooms in a container if you decide to grow them in your cellar.

plate with portobello, oyster, shiitake, cremini, and other mushrooms

Types of Mushrooms to Grow

Although morels cannot be grown at home—they only appear in nature—there are many different types of mushrooms that can be grown in the wild. You can avoid picking a toxic mushroom by producing your own kinds rather than foraging for them in the wild, which is one advantage.

Mushrooms like cremini, enoki, maitake, portobello, oyster, shiitake, and white button can all be grown indoors, but they each have different requirements for growth. For instance, shiitakes, oyster mushrooms, and white button mushrooms must all be cultivated on composted manure, wood chips, or hardwood sawdust.

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